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Stuttgart's volleyball players suffer another defeat

The volleyball players of Allianz MTV Stuttgart have suffered their next defeat in the Champions League and have to give up on winning their group early. The German champions clearly lost 0:3 (19:25, 15:25, 23:25) at Italian top club Imoco Volley Conegliano on Tuesday evening. It was their...

The volleyball players of Allianz MTV Stuttgart have suffered their next defeat in the
The volleyball players of Allianz MTV Stuttgart have suffered their next defeat in the Champions League.

Champions League - Stuttgart's volleyball players suffer another defeat

The volleyball players of Allianz MTV Stuttgart have suffered their next defeat in the Champions League and have to give up on winning their group early. The German champions clearly lost 0:3 (19:25, 15:25, 23:25) at Italian top club Imoco Volley Conegliano on Tuesday evening. It was their third defeat in their fourth group match. Conegliano has won all four matches. Stuttgart's next match in the Champions League will be against Polish representative PGE Rysice Rzeszów, against whom they narrowly lost the first leg 2:3.

Allianz MTV Stuttgart squad statistics

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