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Study: Electricity demand for e-mobility is rising rapidly

There will be more and more e-cars in the future. A study has now calculated how much electricity this will require. The increase is clear.

Electricity consumption for electric vehicles will continue to rise in Europe. This has now
Electricity consumption for electric vehicles will continue to rise in Europe. This has now been determined by a study.

Cars - Study: Electricity demand for e-mobility is rising rapidly

According to a study, the electricity consumption of electric cars and trucks in Europe is likely to increase rapidly - from 16 terawatt hours today to 355 terawatt hours in 2040. This corresponds to an additional demand of 13 percent of the amount of electricity currently generated in the EU, the management consultancy PwC announced on Thursday. It carried out the calculations together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research.

By 2040, all newly registered cars and trucks in the EU are expected to be battery-electric or run on hydrogen and fuel cells. By then, 70 percent of cars and 65 percent of trucks on the roads will still be running on petrol or diesel.

"So it will still be quite a while before we see predominantly electric vehicles in the fleet and they displace the combustion engine from the public eye," said industry expert at PwC Strategy&, Philipp Rose. However, because older vehicles drive less than new ones, CO2 emissions directly on the road are likely to halve by 2040.

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