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Studierendenwerk calls ticket price "upper price limit"

The German Student Union praises the agreement for a cheaper semester ticket, but warns of the financial burden on students due to high living costs.

The nationwide semester ticket as part of the Deutschlandticket could start in the 2024
The nationwide semester ticket as part of the Deutschlandticket could start in the 2024 summer

Studierendenwerk calls ticket price "upper price limit"

The Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW) welcomes the agreement between the federal and state governments on a discounted Deutschlandticket for students. This puts an end to the months-long delay for students, said DSW Chairman Matthias Anbuhl in Berlin.

However, the 29.40 euros per month is also the "upper price limit". The increases in energy prices, rent and food prices put a heavy burden on the approximately 2.9 million students - especially those 37 percent of them who have to get by on less than 800 euros a month.

The federal and state governments have agreed on a cheaper Deutschlandticket for students. NRW Transport Minister Oliver Krischer (Greens), as Chairman of the Conference of Transport Ministers of the federal states, spoke of a breakthrough on Monday evening. The uniform nationwide semester ticket as part of the Deutschlandticket could start in the 2024 summer semester. The Federal Ministry of Transport confirmed the agreement.

Anbuhl complained that this positive solution had one major flaw: "It was reached without the involvement of the students. They must be included in the negotiations in future."


