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Strupp welcomes adherence to the debt brake

The cuts in the 2024 federal budget will have an impact on the federal states and local authorities. It is not yet entirely clear which ones. The economy is reacting cautiously.

Klaus-Jürgen Strupp, President of the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).
Klaus-Jürgen Strupp, President of the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

IHK President - Strupp welcomes adherence to the debt brake

The President of the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Klaus-Jürgen Strupp, has welcomed the agreement reached on a federal budget for 2024 in principle. This could bring a little more clarity in a situation that remains difficult overall - but not all the details are yet known, Strupp told the German Press Agency. "It is positive that the federal government wants to stick to the debt brake for the time being. Savings and budget restructuring are the right way forward for now."

Due to a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, the traffic light coalition had to reduce the federal budget. For 2024 alone, there was a funding gap of 13 billion euros in the climate and transformation fund following the ruling. The traffic light coalition reached an agreement on Wednesday. According to dpa, one of the measures to be scrapped is a planned billion-euro subsidy for electricity grid fees. In addition, climate-damaging subsidies amounting to three billion euros are to be cut.

From the point of view of the IHK, there are already some very critical points at this stage. As things currently stand, there will unfortunately be further burdens for the economy in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, particularly in terms of electricity and energy costs, warned Strupp. "It remains to be seen whether the Berlin decision will trigger an economic upswing that will rebuild long-term confidence in the economy, inspire courage and generate innovation."

Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Read also:

  1. In response to the reduction in the federal budget due to a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, the debt brake mechanism will continue to be implemented by the Federal Government, as noted by the President of the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Klaus-Jürgen Strupp.
  2. Regarding the agreement on the federal budget for 2024, the IHK in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, specifically in Rostock, expressed concerns about potential further economic burdens, particularly in terms of electricity and energy costs.
  3. The German Press Agency reported on the decision made by the Federal Government to aim at adhering to the debt brake, a move that was welcomed by Klaus-Jürgen Strupp, the President of the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce.



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