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Stroller discovers turtle; police advise caution.

A stroller found a large vulture turtle on a rural road in Weilheim, Waldshut district. The creature was rescued with the help of police on a Monday, the authorities reported. Weighing between 35 and 40 kilograms, this turtle measured approximately 40 to 50 centimeters in length. It was...

Ein Einsatzfahrzeug der Polizei fährt mit Blaulicht durch die Innenstadt.
Ein Einsatzfahrzeug der Polizei fährt mit Blaulicht durch die Innenstadt.

In Weilheim... - Stroller discovers turtle; police advise caution.

Be cautious when spotting Griffon Vultures, authorities advise. These creatures possess an impressive bite force that could lead to harm for both humans and other animals. To guarantee your safety, keep a respectable distance when watching, and immediately contact the emergency hotline or animal rescue services.

Read also:

  1. In the District of Waldshut, it's essential to exercise caution when encountering wildlife, especially large birds like Griffon Vultures, given their powerful bite force.
  2. Upon discovering an animal in distress, such as a turtle, in Weilheim, Baden-Württemberg, residents should contact the local police or animal rescue services promptly to ensure a safe and effective rescue.
  3. Emergency situations involving animals in Weilheim often require the collaboration of local authorities and animal rescue services, underlining the importance of having well-functioning emergency hotlines.
  4. While patrolling Weilheim for potential safety concerns, the police might stumble upon animal rescue efforts and offer their support, working together to ensure the well-being of the district's wildlife and its inhabitants.



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