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Strobl: Sympathy advertising for terror should be punishable by law

Promoting terrorist organizations is exempt from punishment. The state of Baden-Württemberg now wants to change this.

Promoting sympathy for terrorist organizations is to become a criminal offence again.
Promoting sympathy for terrorist organizations is to become a criminal offence again.

Terrorism - Strobl: Sympathy advertising for terror should be punishable by law

Baden-Württemberg will submit a bill to the Bundesrat on Friday, which criminalizes the sympathizing for terrorist organizations again. "Terrorism - no matter what warped ideology it originates from - is a serious threat to our democracy. The threat is as serious as it has not been for a long time," said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) in Stuttgart.

"Mercilessly and unyieldingly, extremists pursue the goal of destroying our democracy." It is reprehensible and shameful when police officer Rouven Laur's stabbing attack and Hamas' terror attack in Israel are cheered on in the internet – and the hate spiral continues to draw more circles. The "Südwest Presse" reported on this first.

Strobl: The state must ensure the safety of its citizens

Until 2002, there was a criminal offense in Germany that criminalized the sympathizing for terrorist associations. In 2002, the criminal offense was limited to the concrete recruiting of members or supporters. Strobl continued, "I have always considered that a mistake. It starts with simple, harmless sympathies - that is the breeding ground on which terrorism spreads and develops."

In the defense of our freedom and our democracy, it must be adhered to: Resist the beginnings! The state must ensure the safety of its citizens. "Our investigative authorities therefore need the possibility to intervene nondescriptively and early and to prevent the recruitment for islamist terror early on."

  1. Following this announcement, Baden-Württemberg, as a representative in the Federal Council, will introduce a bill to reintroduce the criminalization of sympathizing with terrorist organizations in Germany.
  2. During the press conference in Stuttgart, Thomas Strobl, the CDU's Interior Minister, emphasized the grave threat of terrorism to Germany's democracy.
  3. In the aftermath of the terrorist organization's attacks, both in Germany and abroad, the CDU leader in Baden-Württemberg highlighted the need for tougher measures to prevent future tragedies.
  4. In response to the growing use of social media to promote and approve terrorist acts by extremist groups, such as Hamas, Thomas Strobl proposed a reevaluation of the existing laws to protect the country's citizens and preserve democracy.

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