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Strobl reports flooding situation now stable.

The effects of the southwest flooding are emerging, leading to a major clean-up effort and initiating a political discussion on effective flood defenses.

Flood damage in Baden-Württemberg.
Flood damage in Baden-Württemberg.

Inundation - Strobl reports flooding situation now stable.

In Baden-Württemberg, the State Interior Minister, Thomas Strobl, estimates that they have managed to control the chaotic situation sparked by the floods. On Monday, he said in Ebersbach south of Stuttgart, "We're fully geared up for civil protection in Baden-Württemberg." Floods had flooded streets in the municipality of Göppingen, resulting in evacuations.

The aftermath of several days of heavy rainfall was visible in many places, including damaged houses, washed-away vehicles, and muddy streets. Locals and emergency services were busy cleaning up. Regrettably, two people lost their lives: a man and his mother were discovered in Schorndorf, Rems-Murr district. A couple of days prior, two others had died in Bavaria.

Strobl revealed that a power plant in the Alb-Donau district was nearly overwhelmed by water. The potential loss of power could have affected tens of thousands of people.

The High Water Forecasting Center reports that at most bodies of water, water levels are decreasing. However, there are locations along the Danube and Rhine where water levels are still rising. On the Danube, from Hundersingen gauge in the district of Sigmaringen, downstream, as well as Upper and Upper Rhine, water levels are on the rise.

The German City Association appealed to the federal government and states for more funding for flood protection. Helmut Dedy, the City Association's managing director, spoke with RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) and said, "Floods like the current one in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are becoming more common."

Dedy stressed that emergency services require the best equipment and infrastructure. "Consequently, the federal government and the states must significantly increase funding for flood and disaster protection, rather than a temporary solution."

Strobl shared that the state had been investing in disaster and civil protection, as well as flood protection, at high costs. "The recent flood event underlines the need for these investments in the millions."

Passengers traveling by train can expect disruptions and cancellation of trains. German Railways announced that trains couldn't reach Munich from Stuttgart. "We discourage traveling to the flood-affected areas in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg and recommend postponing unnecessary trips."

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