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Strobl is shocked by the violence in Mannheim.

Thomas Strobl, Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg (CDU), was shocked by the knife attack on Mannheim's market square, which left several people injured, including a police officer. He stated, "Our thoughts are with the injured victims, and as Interior Minister, I'm especially concerned...

A member of the forensics team stands next to a stall on the market square.
A member of the forensics team stands next to a stall on the market square.

The person in charge of the country's internal affairs is the Minister of the Interior. - Strobl is shocked by the violence in Mannheim.

A guy has been seen on video assaulting multiple individuals at the Mannheim market square. The horrific incident happened during Friday afternoon. A video of the crime was shared online shortly after it occurred. In the footage, a man is seen repeatedly stabbing people.

Pax Europa, an anti-Islamic organization, claims that their gathering was the intended target of this brutal attack.

According to Strobl, the police officers were fearless and determined as they managed to stop this horrible knife attack in Mannheim. The police successfully managed to capture the suspect and prevented any further damage to the people around. Their actions are commendable and show great bravery.

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Strobl, as the Minister of the Interior for Germany, expressed his shock over the Knife attack in Mannheim from the CDU party. The attack occurred at the city's marketplace during a Friday afternoon, leading to a series of violent acts. Thankfully, the Police of Baden-Württemberg, where Mannheim is located, intervened swiftly and successfully apprehended the suspect, preventing any further Crime. The act of violence has received widespread condemnation, with Strobl praising the bravery and determination of the local Police force.

