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Strobl expresses concern over rising incidents of police officer abuse.

Violence against police is increasing throughout the south-west region, with Mannheim being an extreme example; consequently, officers in affected areas are now receiving increased financial aid for their protection.

A policewoman (l) and a police officer stand in front of a
A policewoman (l) and a police officer stand in front of a

The community is under scrutiny. To paraphrase: Community faces examination. - Strobl expresses concern over rising incidents of police officer abuse.

Law enforcement officers injured while performing their duties will receive more assistance from the state in the future. The state legislature approved the necessary amendments to the State Employees Act on Wednesday, with the support of the Greens and CDU. According to Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU), a recent brutal assault on an officer at a marketplace in Mannheim marked a disturbing low point in a troubling trend that he's battled for years. He condemned the escalating violence against police officers.

Beginning in 2018, the state has paid out compensation when the offender is financially incapable and the victim is unable to collect on their claims. Moving forward, the employer will also step in if the offender was suffering from a mental health condition, extremely intoxicated during the crime, or unidentified.

The proposed amendment to the State Employees Act also made official the previously announced elimination of the position of Police Inspector.

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