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Strobl and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution sound the alarm on extremism.

The Interior Minister expresses concern: democracy is facing challenges and there are imminent threats. He further cautions against potential attacks, coinciding with the start of the European Championship.

Thomas Strobl, Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg, makes a press statement at the crime scene...
Thomas Strobl, Interior Minister of Baden-Württemberg, makes a press statement at the crime scene in Mannheim.

Domestic safety measures. - Strobl and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution sound the alarm on extremism.

Prior to the very first game of the European football championship, officials are cautiously alerting the public about the increasing threat posed by extremists, most notably those with Islamic ties. "At this time, we consider the possibility of an Islamist-inspired attack to be both vague and credible," stated the head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Beate Bube, at the presentation of the brand-new constitutional protection report to the Parliamentary Control Committee in Stuttgart. "There's been a surge in growth for the Salafist subculture right here in the country as well as online." Islamist ideologies are still significant concerns.

Lone wolf attackers and small-scale groups committed to jihad are sticking to simple methods. These trends were demonstrated in the deadly knife attack by a suspected Islamist on a police officer in Mannheim and the nefarious plans of young individuals from North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg. The violent events occurring in places like Israel and the Gaza Strip are often used by these perpetrators to justify their heinous actions. According to Bube, the number of Islamists in Baden-Württemberg increased from 4,070 last year to 4,163 in the most recent year.

Interior Minister Thomas Strobl shares this sense of alarm. "We've never faced a situation with a multiplicity of perils like the one we've got going on right now," mentioned the CDU politician prior to the committee, which responsibility lies in overseeing constitutional protection in Baden-Württemberg. The year 2023 highlights the immense stress on democracy. Strobl went on to say that "our enemies are not only dangerous in their complexity and range but also in their reach." Besides Islamists, the danger also comes from right- and left-wing extremists, fervent religious fanaticism, and state-sponsored espionage activities from foreign countries.

Criminals and extremists are mostly active on social media, promoting their ideology. "This digital radicalization encourages the spread of anger and violence that not only puts individual people in peril, but also jeopardizes the general well-being of our society," cautioned Strobl.

Read also:

  1. The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, like Thomas Strobl, is raising concerns about the rising threat of extremism, particularly Islamists, ahead of the European Football Championship in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg.
  2. Beate Bube, the head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, warned that the number of Islamists in Baden-Württemberg increased from 4,070 to 4,163, and highlighted the threat of lone wolf attackers and small-scale groups inspired by jihad.
  3. Strobl emphasized the complexity and range of threats to internal security, including Islamists, right- and left-wing extremists, religious fanaticism, and state-sponsored espionage activities from foreign countries.
  4. Bube and Strobl both pointed out the role of social media in the radicalization of criminals and extremists, as digital platforms facilitate the spread of violent ideologies online.
  5. The kick-off match of the European Football Championship serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting democracy, prompting calls for increased vigilance and cooperation amongst security authorities, including the PKG, to ensure the safety of citizens and preservation of democracy.
  6. The potential for an Islamist-inspired attack during the European Football Championship underscores the need for coordinated efforts between state security services and law enforcement agencies to enhance the overall security measures for major events.
  7. The protection of the constitution is of paramount importance during periods of heightened tension and the European Football Championship, requiring a multi-faceted approach that includes monitoring digital activities, identifying and addressing potential threats, and collaborating with international partners to ensure the safety of the general public and democracy as a whole.



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