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Ströber: Prison employee allegedly gave inmate cell phone

A prisoner uses a doctor's appointment to escape, aided by an accomplice. After the arrest, the justice system investigates how the two could have colluded - and now has a concrete suspicion.

A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.
A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.

Chief Public Prosecutor - Ströber: Prison employee allegedly gave inmate cell phone

An employee of Mannheim Prison (JVA) is said to have helped a prisoner who has since been recaptured to plan his escape. "The man used a cell phone to prepare his escape. According to current knowledge, this phone was smuggled in by an employee of Mannheim Prison," the senior public prosecutor Hubert Ströber told the German Press Agency in Frankenthal on Wednesday. "The prisoner and the alleged escape helper used this phone to communicate with each other in order to arrange the plan for the escape."

The prisoner had used a visit to the doctor at Ludwigshafen Hospital to escape on December 14. An accomplice had been waiting on site, fired a shot into the air with a blank pistol and fled with the prisoner on a scooter. The prisoner and the alleged escape accomplice were arrested at the end of December in a hotel in Weinheim near Heidelberg.

Ströber said that the court clerk had provided information about the case. She was a defendant in the investigation, but not in custody. "We have no indication of a risk of absconding or a risk of concealment." Regarding the woman's relationship with the inmate, Ströber said: "They are said to have become somewhat closer after the escape. The woman spoke of a pressure situation in which she claims to have found herself." The weapon has not yet been found.

There was also no trace of another escaped prisoner. The offender from Bruchsal Prison had escaped at the end of October during a guarded excursion to a quarry pond in Germersheim (Rhineland-Palatinate).

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