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Striving for Impeccable Rows: Contest among Farmers Regarding Plowing Techniques

The German competition close to Ulm emphasizes proficiency and accuracy: Straight furrows are essential, akin to a taut string. Exceeding the allotted time will result in penalty marks.

Twenty agricultural workers contest at the German Ploughing Championships on a Sunday, located in...
Twenty agricultural workers contest at the German Ploughing Championships on a Sunday, located in Langenau, east of Ulm. A historical image from the 2023 World Ploughing Championships held in Latvia is depicted here.

- Striving for Impeccable Rows: Contest among Farmers Regarding Plowing Techniques

At the German Plowing Contest in Langenau, northeast of Ulm, 20 competitors from five different states battled it out. The objective was to create the ideal trench: straight and level. As Ariane Amstutz, spokesperson for the national performance plowing association, put it, "There shouldn't be any green leftovers in the bed, no stubble." Failure to meet these standards would result in point deductions. The German Plowing Council was responsible for hosting the German Championship.

Navigating the soil and adjusting the plow appropriately is a significant challenge, Amstutz explained. "Across Germany, you'll find drastically different soils in various regions. In the north, the soil is lighter and sandier, while here it's denser." The previous day had seen complaints about excess stones in the soil, but now conditions appeared to be improving.

Three hours were allocated to plow a bed measuring roughly 1,600 square meters. Those who took longer incurred penalty points. The association mentioned that the majority of participants, who were predominantly farmers, frequently had to adjust their plows in terms of height, depth, and angle during the competition. GPS and other aids were strictly prohibited.

Approximately a week prior, the first participants had arrived to practice on the soil, according to Amstutz. The competition featured one female participant and the youngest competitor, who was just 16 years old. The winners of first and second place would be eligible to participate in the European and World Championships for performance plowing.

The German Plowing Council also oversees the selection of representatives for the European and World Championships in performance plowing. Despite the varying soil types across Germany, all competitors aimed to adhere to Ariane Amstutz's guidelines during the contest in Germany.

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