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Street performers play in Görlitz

Street art in a variety of forms delights the public in Görlitz every year at the beginning of July. The spectacle has been around for almost 30 years and has long had offshoots.

Theater in the middle of the city: this is what the street theater festival in Görlitz offers from...
Theater in the middle of the city: this is what the street theater festival in Görlitz offers from Thursday. (archive picture)

Theater in the city - Street performers play in Görlitz

Görlitz (dpa/sn) – Starting from this Thursday, streets and places in Görlitz will once again serve as stages for the 28th International Street Theatre Festival "ViaThea". The spectacle will be opened as always with a cultural picnic in the city park. Until Saturday, 30 groups from 11 countries will perform at various locations in the German-Polish border city, according to the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater as the organizer.

Some artists will additionally perform on Sunday in Bad Muskau, to entertain at Hermannsbad in the Fürst-Pückler-Park. Other groups and solo artists travel to Hoyerswerda further, where the Braugassertheater under open sky takes place on Sunday as well.

According to theatre announcements, there are planned more than 200 performances during the three festival days in Görlitz. The spectrum ranges from dance and music to juggling art and fire art, all the way to stilt theatre and puppet shows.

On Sunday, some artists will continue their performances in Görlitz at various locations, as part of the International Street Theatre Festival. After the festival in Görlitz, some groups will head to Bad Muskau in Saxony for additional performances.

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