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Stormy winds and gusty weather on Tuesday occurred in Saxony-Anhalt.

On Tuesday in Saxony-Anhalt, windy conditions are anticipated, as stated by the German Weather Service (DWD). The daytime high may rise as high as 18 degrees. Experts predict occasional gale-force gusts, with the Brocken region experiencing especially strong winds. In the north of...

Dark clouds drift over the mighty twin towers of the "St. Mauritius and St. Katharina" cathedral in...
Dark clouds drift over the mighty twin towers of the "St. Mauritius and St. Katharina" cathedral in Magdeburg.

Metrological Conditions - Stormy winds and gusty weather on Tuesday occurred in Saxony-Anhalt.

May 10th reveals clear skies once more, per DWD's information. Come lunchtime, expect random showers and even thunderstorms. The weather will stay on the chillier side, reaching a maximum temperature of 18°C, while the thermometer shows four degrees at nightfall.

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