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Stormy weather in Thuringia - flooding also expected

Storm "Zoltan" causes trees to fall on roads in many places in Germany shortly before Christmas Eve - including Thuringia. Further rain could lead to flooding in some places.

Clouds drift across the sky as cars drive along a country road.
Clouds drift across the sky as cars drive along a country road.

Storm - Stormy weather in Thuringia - flooding also expected

Nordhausen/Eisenach/Suhl/Jena - Fallen trees and broken branches on the roads. The storm depression "Zoltan" has swept through Thuringia. In addition, river levels have risen in many places following heavy rainfall. According to forecasts, the State Office for the Environment is expecting flooding in some areas if the heavy rain continues over the Christmas weekend.

High water levels and current pressure had already made it difficult to rescue a dead man from a river near Hildburghausen early on Friday morning. According to the police, it is not yet clear why the man fell into the river on Friday night. The deceased was reportedly a 64-year-old man who regularly regulated the water at the mill weir near which he was rescued.

The fire department was particularly in demand in the Nordhausen district because of "Zoltan", as the police announced on Friday. In many places, helpers had to clear fallen trees that were blocking roads. In Ilfeld, a car left the road due to the weather. In the municipality of Hohnstein, a road was flooded. In Eichsfeld, too, the emergency services had their work cut out clearing the roads of branches and fallen trees. Three car accidents were reported in this context.

In the Wartburg district, firefighters had to respond 19 times from early Thursday evening until late into the night on Friday, according to the district office. There, too, the main concern was trees and branches that had broken off and were lying on roads. Car owners also had to be located: Their vehicles were parked under a heavy branch that was threatening to fall.

The police in Suhl also spoke of dozens of operations. In the region in the south of Thuringia, too, it was mainly trees that had fallen onto roads that had to be cleared. A car in Meiningen drove over a large branch and was damaged in the process.

According to the city council, the fire department in Jena had to be called out seven times by Friday morning to remove fallen branches or objects blown away by the wind.

The strong winds also had consequences for rail travelers: They had to be prepared for delays to local and regional rail services. Trains operated by Erfurter Bahn were slower than usual at times, as the company announced on its website on Friday. According to DB, Deutsche Bahn traffic was also affected throughout Germany. Detour of ICE trains between Erfurt and Frankfurt and delays were among the consequences.

Erfurt railroad Deutsche Bahn

Read also:

  1. Despite the heavy rain and strong winds, many people in Jena chose to drive, leading to increased traffic and potential hazards on the roads.
  2. Emergency services in Thuringia reported an increase in calls for assistance due to the storm, with Nordhausen district being particularly affected by fallen trees blocking roads.
  3. The storm brought about unfavorable weather conditions in various parts of Germany, including Eisenach and Suhl, where fallen trees and bad weather created chaotic traffic situations.
  4. On Saint's Eve, authorities in Hildburghausen urged caution due to the threat of floods in the district of Nordhausen, with the police advising residents to stay away from waterways and avoid unnecessary travel.
  5. The storm had caused significant damage in numerous towns and cities across Germany, such as in Wartburg district, where railroad infrastructures were affected, causing delays to local and regional train services.
  6. As a result of the storm, the fire department in Jena was called out multiple times to remove fallen branches and debris from roads and ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists.
  7. The weather conditions in Germany were particularly challenging this stormy evening, with high winds, heavy rain, and stormy weather causing flooding and fallen trees, forcing authorities to close sections of the autobahn and railroad.
  8. In response to the damaging storm, the Environment Ministry issued a warning to residents, advising them to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, particularly in areas prone to flooding.
  9. The fallen trees and high water levels had made it difficult for the rescue teams in Ilfeld and Hohnstein to provide aid to those affected by the storm, with emergency services working tirelessly to clear the roads and ensure the safety of the residents.
  10. The Thuringia Police Department urged motorists to be cautious while driving, particularly in areas with flooded roads, fallen trees, and poor visibility due to the heavy rain and strong wind.
  11. As the storm swept across the regions of Germany, including Weimar and Erfurt, and head towards neighboring states like Hesse and Baden-Württemberg, authorities anticipated further emergencies and continued to prepare for the worst in the coming days.


