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Stormy Christmas Eve with mild temperatures in Bavaria

Rain and wind instead of a white Christmas: The German Weather Service (DWD) is expecting a wet, mild and sometimes stormy Christmas Eve with temperatures of seven to eleven degrees. This was announced by the meteorologists on Sunday morning.

A passer-by with an umbrella.
A passer-by with an umbrella.

Weather - Stormy Christmas Eve with mild temperatures in Bavaria

Rain and wind instead of a white Christmas: The German Weather Service (DWD) is expecting a wet, mild and sometimes stormy Christmas Eve with temperatures of seven to eleven degrees. This was announced by the meteorologists on Sunday morning.

Throughout the day, it will mainly be raindrops instead of snowflakes in Bavaria. According to the DWD, there will only be short breaks in the rain. For the Franconian Forest, the Fichtel Mountains and the Bavarian Forest, the weather service warns of storms caused by continuous rain. According to the Bavarian Avalanche Warning Service, the snow line will rise to between 2100 and 2400 meters towards the evening.

It will also remain stormy in Bavaria. Meteorologists are expecting gusts of between 60 and 70 kilometers per hour in the lowlands. In the higher elevations of the Alps and the Bavarian Forest, gale-force winds may occur.

According to the forecast, the wind will slowly subside in the night to Monday and the rain is also expected to decrease. In the foothills of the Alps, the sun could come out more often on Monday and Tuesday.

DWD warning situation report DWD forecast Bavaria avalanche warning service

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