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Storms on Lake Constance: roads and cellars under water

A thunderstorm front passes through the south of Baden-Württemberg. The first damage is reported in a popular vacation region. Holidaymakers at a campsite are also affected.

A sign points the way to a campsite.
A sign points the way to a campsite.

Fire and flooded cellar - Storms on Lake Constance: roads and cellars under water

Dark clouds over Lake Constance, Lightning flashes in the popular holiday region and heavy rain floods streets, cellars, and even an entire camping site: The regions of Lake Constance and Oberschwaben were heavily affected by the weather on Wednesday and kept the emergency services on their toes. The fire departments reported being in constant operation.

The region around Markdorf in the Bodenseekreis was particularly affected. There, the fire department cleared a camping site. According to their statements, around 200 campers were affected, but no one was injured. A spokesperson assumed that the people could return to their tents soon.

In Oberteuringen (Bodenseekreis), streets were flooded, cellars were filled. Around Ravensburg, it rained and thundered heavily for around two hours in the morning on Wednesday. The spokesperson did not provide detailed damage information at first. In Singen, a dozen underpasses were closed.

In Vogt near Ravensburg, a lightning strike set the roof of a house on fire. The fire department was called to a larger firefighting operation. According to the police, no one was injured. Power outages were reported in the southern part of the city of Ravensburg by the "Swabian Newspaper". A spokesperson for the city made no initial comments. In Friedrichshafen, the fire department distributed sandbags in the Bunkhofen district, which lies directly on the Rotach.

The Flood Forecasting and Warning Center of the State expected a significant increase in water levels in the course of Wednesday in Vogt near Ravensburg. The water level at the measurement point Friedrichshafen was over 2.50 meters at noon, compared to about 75 centimeters a few days earlier.

Beyond the national border, the weather had already caused flooding in Basel, Geneva, and the canton of Vaud on Lake Geneva on Tuesday evening. In the canton of Basel-Landschaft south of Basel's city center, the police received several hundred reports of flooded cellars, power outages, and other water damage. The situation had calmed down by Wednesday. In the canton of Vaud, the fire department was called out over 200 times. In the city of Morges, the Rhone River caused flooding, as the police reported, which statistically is not expected to occur every hundred years. No one was injured.

In Geneva, flights were halted for two hours due to heavy rain and thunderstorms at the airport. A cooling room for servers in the building of the air traffic control Skyguide was affected by flooding to prevent overheating of the control systems, the airspace was briefly closed after 10:30 pm. Around 50 take-offs and landings were canceled. For around 100 passengers, field beds and food were prepared. The departures of the planes that could not land on Tuesday evening also failed on Wednesday. However, there were no major damages and the operation was running normally again, said an airport spokesperson.

  1. Despite the leisure time being threatened by the storm, the fire department in the Lake Constance district remained active during the heavy rain.
  2. The fire department in Markdorf, a town in Upper Swabia, had to clear a flooded camping site, affecting around 200 campers.
  3. In Oberteuringen, a town in the Bodenseekreis, the streets and cellars were submerged due to the flooding.
  4. The region of Ravensburg, in Baden-Württemberg, experienced heavy rain and thunder for about two hours on Wednesday morning.
  5. In Vogt, near Ravensburg, a lightning strike ignited a house fire, keeping the fire department busy.
  6. The Flood Forecasting and Warning Center in Vaud, near Lake Geneva, anticipated a significant rise in water levels due to the flooding.
  7. Beyond Lake Constance, flooding occurred in Basel, Geneva, and the canton of Vaud on Lake Geneva the previous evening.
  8. In the canton of Basel-Landschaft, the police dealt with several hundred reports of flooded cellars, power outages, and water damage.
  9. In Geneva, flights were halted for two hours due to heavy rain and thunderstorms at the airport, causing approximately 50 take-offs and landings to be canceled.
  10. The vacation region of Lake Constance and Oberschwaben were under siege by the weather on Wednesday, with the fire department being in constant operation.

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