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Storms: fire department called out to 95 operations

Cellars are flooded and a hanging branch has to be removed: The Hanover region was hit by a storm on Sunday night.

Lightning discharges behind the Telemax telecommunications tower during a thunderstorm.
Lightning discharges behind the Telemax telecommunications tower during a thunderstorm.

Numerous emergency calls - Storms: fire department called out to 95 operations

In the Hanover region including the state capital, there were 95 interventions due to the storm. The Hanover Fire Department announced this on Sunday morning. In total, the emergency services received 266 calls for help from midnight to Sunday morning.

There was an intervention for a house fire. The fire department counted seven interventions due to flooded basements. A hanging branch in the Mitte district had to be removed.

According to current knowledge, there were no injured people due to the storm-related interventions.

On Sunday, the Storm-related interventions in Lower Saxony's state capital continued, resulting in an additional house fire that required the fire department's attention. Despite the heavy rains, the department reported only seven interventions related to flooded basements. Unfortunately, a large hanging branch required an emergency call to the fire department in the Mitte district.

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