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Storm depression "Zoltan": Gale-force gusts possible on the coast

Storm depression "Zoltan" will continue to bring strong winds to the coast of northern Germany on Friday. During the course of the day, the wind is expected to ease slightly, but then pick up again in the evening, as Anne Wiese, meteorologist at the German Weather Service (DWD), said on Friday...

Storm Zoltan causes a flooded harbor in the North Sea resort of Dangast.
Storm Zoltan causes a flooded harbor in the North Sea resort of Dangast.

German Weather Service - Storm depression "Zoltan": Gale-force gusts possible on the coast

Storm depression "Zoltan" will continue to bring strong winds to the coast of northern Germany on Friday. During the course of the day, the wind is expected to ease slightly, but then pick up again in the evening, as Anne Wiese, meteorologist at the German Weather Service (DWD), said on Friday morning. According to the DWD, gale-force gusts of more than 100 kilometers per hour are possible in the evening. In the second half of the night, the wind is expected to decrease somewhat and then become stronger again on Saturday evening, although not as strong as on Friday.

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