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Storks give birth successfully in Saxony-Anhalt, thanks to favorable circumstances.

Observe the nests above. Are there tiny stork heads visible? In Saxony-Anhalt, the likelihood is high, claims an expert.

Michael Kaatz, Head of the Loburg Stork Sanctuary.
Michael Kaatz, Head of the Loburg Stork Sanctuary.

Newborns in their nest - Storks give birth successfully in Saxony-Anhalt, thanks to favorable circumstances.

In Saxony-Anhalt, the stork chicks have made their way into the world. Michael Kaatz, a member of the Stork Farm in Loburg, shared his view, "The stork nests seem to be flourishing, leaving room for optimism about a productive stork season." Luckily, the region hasn't experienced any severe losses. The lack of extreme weather conditions is seen as a positive sign. However, Kaatz speculates that stork chicks in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg may face challenges due to the cool temperatures from persistent rain.

What's crucial for the younglings is June and the time leading up to mid-July. Swings in weather tend to benefit the animals. In contrast, lengthy rain or drought spells can be challenging. Kaatz added, "So far, the weather in Saxony-Anhalt has mostly been friendly to storks."

The coming of spring brought the first storks back to Saxony-Anhalt in February. Guessing they had shorter journeys, possibly hailing from Spain or France. A few may decide not to leave Germany.

Last year, 2023, turned out to be a mediocre year for storks after an attractive start. Numerous storks descended upon Saxony-Anhalt, but unfavorable weather became a factor. Stork losses during dry May to mid-June were considerable, and many fledglings didn't make it. Torrential downpours also caused problems for the storks.

Read also:

The success of stork breeding in Saxony-Anhalt has attracted attention from other regions in Germany, such as Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Despite the challenges they might face due to cool temperatures and persistent rain, storks are also found in other animal habitats across Germany, including regions like Saxony-Anhalt.

