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"Stop the genocide" demonstration in Bonn peaceful

A demonstration in Bonn on the war in the Middle East was allowed to take place on Friday evening, although the police had sought to ban it. According to the police, it was entitled "Stop the genocide in Gaza". The Cologne Administrative Court overturned the ban order and the Münster Higher...

A statue of Justitia holds a pair of scales and a sword.
A statue of Justitia holds a pair of scales and a sword.

Demonstration - "Stop the genocide" demonstration in Bonn peaceful

A demonstration in Bonn on the war in the Middle East was allowed to take place on Friday evening, although the police had sought to ban it. According to the police, it was entitled "Stop the genocide in Gaza". The Cologne Administrative Court overturned the ban order and the Münster Higher Administrative Court confirmed this decision, according to the Münster court. A spokesperson for the Bonn police said on Friday evening that the event - with significantly fewer participants than registered - was running peacefully and without disruption.

According to the police, the organizer had registered around 400 participants for a pro-Palestinian rally. The assembly authorities had banned it due to the title "Stop the genocide in Gaza" on the assumption that this would constitute incitement to hatred and approval of criminal acts. However, the courts overturned the ban.

According to a spokesperson for the OVG Münster, this was a so-called tenor decision. The reasons for the decision will therefore only be provided later due to the urgency of the case.

A court in Düsseldorf also had to deal with a demonstration with a Middle East connection. However, the case concerned restrictions on the assembly, not a ban. The administrative court there ruled that the restrictions ordered by the police on the pro-Palestinian demonstration entitled "Stop the aggression" were permissible. Accordingly, the slogans "Stop the genocide" or "Stop the genocide" may not be chanted or displayed on posters at the rally on Saturday.

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