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Stone thrown at Green Party rally - man goes to court

The Bavarian Green Party leaders are campaigning in the open air ahead of the state elections. Suddenly a stone comes flying. Now the trial is imminent.

The Green Party's leading duo, Ludwig Hartmann and Katharina Schulze, had a stone thrown at them...
The Green Party's leading duo, Ludwig Hartmann and Katharina Schulze, had a stone thrown at them during an election campaign rally last year. Neither were injured. The alleged perpetrator must now stand trial.

Attack during the election campaign - Stone thrown at Green Party rally - man goes to court

After the attack on the Bavarian Greens' leading duo Katharina Schulze and Ludwig Hartmann during the 2023 state election campaign, the alleged stone thrower is scheduled to appear in court nearly four months later. The trial against the accused is planned for October 29, according to Thomas Kirschner, director of the Neu-Ulm District Court, reported to the German Press Agency. The man is charged with attempted bodily harm and resistance against enforcement officers.

The man, who was 44 years old at the time, is alleged to have thrown a stone towards the stage where Schulze and Hartmann were performing in Neu-Ulm on September 17, 2023. The two state legislators were not hit and remained unharmed. Fraktions leader Schulze described the situation later as her "worst moment" during the campaign. She said that the stone had "come out of nowhere," as Hartmann and she were trying to engage in conversation with citizens at the rally under an open sky.

The Munich Public Prosecutor's Office took over the case due to the political dimension of the proceedings. The Munich Prosecutor's Office is home to the Bavarian Central Office for the Combating of Extremism and Terrorism. The police consider the suspect to be part of the so-called Reichsbürger and also the Querdenker scene. "Reichsbürger" are people who do not recognize the Federal Republic of Germany and its authorities.

He was immediately arrested by on-site police officers, but the man is said to have resisted. He later confessed to the crime according to investigators. As a motive, he reportedly stated that he was dissatisfied with the political situation. He did not intend to harm anyone with the stone throw.

The attack during the Baden-Württemberg state election campaign in 2023, which targeted the Greens' leaders Katharina Schulze and Ludwig Hartmann, has sparked concern among various parties. The incident occurred during a campaign rally in New Ulm.

The state election campaign in Bavaria, known for its intense political debates, was also marked by this incident of crime. The man accused of the crime has been linked to the 'Reichsbürger' and 'Querdenker' movements, groups that do not recognize Germany's federal authorities.

The ongoing legal processes related to this incident are a reminder of the importance of upholding peaceful elections. The trial for the accused, scheduled for October 29, will be closely watched by the German Press Agency and the public.

Political parties are calling for stricter measures to ensure safety during election campaigns, following this incident. The Greens, in particular, have voiced their concerns about the rising instances of violence during political events.

In the aftermath of the attack, the state election campaigns in both Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria have taken a more cautious approach, with increased security measures being implemented at public events.

The state election campaign in Baden-Württemberg has been dominated by discussions about crime and security, with the incident serving as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by political leaders.

The trial against the accused will also shed light on the role of external groups in influencing political campaigns and the potential risks they pose to democratic processes.

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