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Still no breakthrough in state collective bargaining round - civil servants' association criticizes "ignorance"

A breakthrough has not yet been achieved in the collective bargaining negotiations for the 1.1 million employees of the federal states except Hesse. The employers had submitted offers on several individual demands, which were being calculated, said the chairman of the German Civil Service...

Participant in Verdi
Participant in Verdi

Still no breakthrough in state collective bargaining round - civil servants' association criticizes "ignorance"

The trade unions reiterated their wage demands during the negotiations. They are demanding 10.5 percent, but at least 500 euros more per month as well as a tax and duty-free lump sum to compensate for inflation.

The Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL ) puts the financial volume of the demand, including the extension to civil servants, at a total of 20.7 billion euros and rejects this demand as unaffordable.

"We are shocked at the ignorance with which the employers of the federal states are looking at the situation of the employees," said Silberbach. There will be no agreement below the wage agreement reached by the federal and local authorities in the spring.

Although the TdL is aiming to adopt the structure of the most recent collective agreement at federal and local level, it wants to pay less. According to the union, there has not yet been a full employer offer.

The first two rounds of talks were unsuccessful. The state employers and the trade unions Verdi and Beamtenbund still believe an agreement is possible by Saturday. Hesse is not a member of the TdL and will negotiate separately from January.

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