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Stellantis gives customers the missing e-premium

After sudden funding stop

The price of an electric Fiat, Peugeot, Opel or Jeep is not set to rise for the time
The price of an electric Fiat, Peugeot, Opel or Jeep is not set to rise for the time

Stellantis gives customers the missing e-premium

Anyone who has ordered an electric Peugeot, Opel, Fiat or Jeep and is no longer due to receive a state subsidy can still expect to receive the money - car manufacturer Stellantis has announced this. Even those who have not yet placed an order should be able to do so by the end of the year.

Following the abrupt end of the state subsidy for electric cars, the car manufacturer Stellantis is taking over the entire environmental bonus for its private customers in the short term. The multi-brand manufacturer - including Peugeot, Opel, Fiat and Jeep - is guaranteeing the full bonus of up to 6750 euros, including the manufacturer's share, for electric vehicles that were eligible under the previous guidelines until the end of the year. This was announced by the company in Rüsselsheim.

In addition, Stellantis intends to accept the originally planned reduced bonus of up to 4500 euros for electric vehicles already ordered and registered by their owners by February 29, 2024. The so-called environmental bonus will be granted in the respective amount as an additional discount.

At the weekend, the German government unexpectedly abruptly halted the subsidy program for electric cars introduced in 2016. As of this Monday, the responsible Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (Bafa) is no longer accepting applications. The authority confirmed that it is only working through the backlog. The funds for 2023 have already been used up, according to Ministry of Economic Affairs circles on Sunday. The 209 million euros still earmarked for 2024 will probably only be sufficient if the funding ends with immediate effect.

"Taken note of with great astonishment"

Customers will not be left out in the cold, explained Stellantis Germany CEO Lars Bialkowski in a statement. "We have taken note of the decision to end the environmental bonus with far less than 48 hours' notice with great surprise."

Industry expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer had said: "In our opinion, the budget crisis is driving the car industry in Germany into an electric car crisis." He expects a decline of up to 200,000 electric car sales in Germany in 2024. Without subsidies, electric cars are clearly too expensive for new car buyers. The ADAC, on the other hand, complained that there were only three vehicles under 30,000 euros available on the German market: "Manufacturers must additionally increase the range of more affordable vehicles."

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