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Steinmeier: Schäuble a "stroke of luck for German history"

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has paid tribute to the late CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble as a "stroke of luck for German history". "In Wolfgang Schäuble, we have lost a great person and passionate politician who achieved historic things for our country," Steinmeier wrote to his...

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Parties - Steinmeier: Schäuble a "stroke of luck for German history"

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has paid tribute to the late CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble as a "stroke of luck for German history". "In Wolfgang Schäuble, we have lost a great person and passionate politician who achieved historic things for our country," Steinmeier wrote to his widow Ingeborg Schäuble on Wednesday. "A rich life has now come to an end - the work of this outstanding statesman and man will endure. We will not forget Wolfgang Schäuble. He has rendered outstanding services to Germany and Europe."

Schäuble was visionary, he never lost sight of the essentials, Steinmeier's letter of condolence reads. " Wolfgang Schäuble pursued the goal of unity in our country just as persistently as he did the growing together of Europe." For him, the unity of Germany and Europe always belonged together. "He worked persistently to achieve this." His commitment and foresight in drafting the treaties meant that German unity could be completed.

Politics had been Schäuble's "elixir of life", Steinmeier continued. No one in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany had been a member of the Bundestag longer than he. "For half a century, he put himself at the service of the German people. Anyone who met Wolfgang Schäuble encountered a born homo politicus who enjoyed the greatest respect across all party boundaries - whether as party and parliamentary group leader, Chancellery Minister, Interior Minister, Finance Minister or President of the German Bundestag." He was a highly sought-after advisor until the very end.

Schäuble was always guided by his inner compass: the Christian view of humanity, the tradition of his native Baden, a civic ethos and a deep democratic conviction, Steinmeier wrote. The fact that Schäuble chose to return to politics after the assassination attempt on his life was an expression of his strong personality and his tireless will to shape the future. "Wolfgang Schäuble has thus become an encouraging role model for many people."

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