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Steinmeier honors Haseloff with the Cross of Merit

Pragmatic, authentic and deeply influenced by his Christian faith - this is how Federal President Steinmeier paid tribute to Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Haseloff. The longest-serving state leader was especially honored for his outstanding services to the state.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (r) awards Reiner Haseloff (CDU) the Order of Merit
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (r) awards Reiner Haseloff (CDU) the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of

Steinmeier honors Haseloff with the Cross of Merit

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has awarded Minister-President Reiner Haseloff (CDU) the Federal Cross of Merit. In addition to the head of government of Saxony-Anhalt, Steinmeier honored five other current and one former minister president for their many years of dedicated service to democracy, as he said at the award ceremony on Friday.

The awards went to Malu Dreyer (SPD/Rhineland-Palatinate), Winfried Kretschmann (Greens/Baden-Württemberg), Dietmar Woidke (SPD/Brandenburg), Stephan Weil (SPD/Lower Saxony) and Bodo Ramelow (Left Party/Thuringia). Former Minister President and Federal Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU/Bavaria) was also honored. All received the Grand Cross of Merit with Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany - a high level of the Federal Cross of Merit.

Steinmeier paid tribute to Haseloff as the longest-serving German Minister President. He has been in office for twelve years. "Looking at things pragmatically and soberly is something you brought to politics from your scientific training," said Steinmeier. "'Authentic' is a quality that is repeatedly attested to you, and you yourself say that you want to remain as you are. Your pragmatism goes hand in hand with the fine art of compromise, which you have demonstrated in changing and certainly not always easy coalitions as Prime Minister."

The Federal President went on to say to Haseloff: "You are leading the fight against right-wing extremism out of Christian and democratic conviction: You described the right-wing extremist terrorist attack on the synagogue in Halle as the darkest day of your time in office. And with your unwavering stance in confronting those who spread hatred and incitement, you are a role model for many these days." Steinmeier emphasized that Prime Minister Haseloff had rendered outstanding services to the country.

Steinmeier said to all those honored: "The medal that I have the pleasure of awarding you today expresses our country's gratitude to you for the great perseverance and commitment with which you have assumed the highest political responsibility in our democracy," said Steinmeier. All those honored showed that politics is a service to the common good. "You are committed to our democracy with your personality and your personal credibility. Democracy thrives on dialog, and democracy thrives on politicians like you who are willing to take responsibility and lead this dialog."

According to the Office of the Federal President, Steinmeier was following a practice that has been in place for decades by awarding the order to the heads of state governments.

The Federal President acknowledged the long-term service of Federal States' leaders, as he honored Minister-President Haseloff, Malu Dreyer, Winfried Kretschmann, Dietmar Woidke, Stephan Weil, and Bodo Ramelow, along with former Minister President Seehofer, with the prestigious Federal Cross of Merit.

In his speech, Steinmeier praised Haseloff for his pragmatic andauthentic leadership, highlighting his successful fight against right-wing extremism and role model status in confronting hatred and incitement.


