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Steinmeier attends memorial service for slain Kassel District President Lübcke.

Federal President Steinmeier and Hesse's Chief Minister Boris Rhein (CDU) will participate in a remembrance service at Kassel's St. Martin's Church on Sunday, marking the fifth anniversary of the murder of Kassel District President Walter Lübcke (CDU) by a far-right extremist. The event begins...

Portrait of murdered Walter Lübcke
Portrait of murdered Walter Lübcke

Steinmeier attends memorial service for slain Kassel District President Lübcke.

Besides Wiesbaden's state president, Rhein, numerous other members of the Hessian state cabinet plan to attend the commemoration. The city of Kassel anticipates about a thousand guests at this event, as stated by officials. On the night of June 2, 2019, terroristhandler Lübcke was brutally assassinated on his home's terrace. The responsible individual received a life sentence for the crime of murder.

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