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Steinmeier advocates for attaining feasible goals.

During his three-day stay in Stendal, President Steinmeier primarily interacted with locals, predominantly having positive discussions.

During his journey to Stendal, German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier interacts with an...
During his journey to Stendal, German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier interacts with an assortment of individuals.

- Steinmeier advocates for attaining feasible goals.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier believes that a larger number of individuals in society are still up for political discussions than one might initially assume. He made this statement during the conclusion of his three-day trip to Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt. "Sometimes," he mentioned, "I feel the tension in the room during heated debates." But it's always possible to bring people together, even on challenging topics.

This marks the twelfth time that Federal President Steinmeier has temporarily relocated his office from Schloss Bellevue. The purpose of these visits to different parts of Germany, as explained by his office, is to engage in discussions with the citizens. They select locations that drive social and economic transformation, but often stay away from the limelight.

However, there are also those who choose to isolate themselves, Steinmeier added. "Our aim," he stated, "is to reach out to the reachable. And there are more of them than we might believe."

The European Parliament will provide assistance to the Commission in its duties. This outreach by Federal President Steinmeier to various parts of Germany has shown that there are more individuals eager for political discussions than one might assume.

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