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Steinbach: Budget decisions show light and shade

Brandenburg's Economics Minister Jörg Steinbach (SPD) sees light and shade in the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition in the budget dispute. "The competitiveness of German industry remains protected," said the minister in a statement on Thursday. Important transformation projects...

Jörg Steinbach speaks during a dpa interview.
Jörg Steinbach speaks during a dpa interview.

Minister of Economic Affairs - Steinbach: Budget decisions show light and shade

Brandenburg's Economics Minister Jörg Steinbach (SPD) sees light and shade in the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition in the budget dispute. "The competitiveness of German industry remains protected," said the minister in a statement on Thursday. Important transformation projects are on a solid footing. This also applies to the development of the hydrogen core network and the conversion of steel production in Eisenhüttenstadt. Steinbach also praised "the funding of the climate agreements" and "the unabridged continuation of the GRW program". GRW programs are funds provided by the federal and state governments to strengthen the regional economy.

On the other hand, Steinbach described the increase in the CO2 price and the discontinuation of the subsidy for transmission grid fees as "painful". However, it should be noted that the abolition of the EEG levy and the reduction in grid fee payments will keep the burden on Brandenburgers' wallets "within reasonable limits".

Following the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling, the coalition government reached an agreement on Wednesday on how it intends to close the billion-euro gap in the 2024 federal budget. Savings and cuts are planned, which will also affect consumers in terms of electricity, gas and petrol prices. Savings are to be made primarily by abolishing climate-damaging subsidies, making cuts to the budgets of individual departments and reducing federal subsidies.

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