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Statutory health insurance physicians welcome sick notes by phone

Sick leave from home? Until now, there was only a special regulation for this during the coronavirus crisis. Now it is possible to take sick leave by phone again. Doctors think it's good.

An employee of a doctor's office makes a note on a certificate of incapacity for work.
An employee of a doctor's office makes a note on a certificate of incapacity for work.

Health - Statutory health insurance physicians welcome sick notes by phone

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony-Anhalt has welcomed the fact that sick notes can be issued by telephone again in future. "This is good and important news for patients and practices," explained Jörg Böhme, Chairman of the Board. "There is a shortage of doctors, and doctors' time is becoming an increasingly important resource. Telephone sick notes are a win-win situation for both sides: Patients don't have to leave the comfort of their own home and therefore reduce the risk of infection in the practice waiting room. The practice team is relieved and there is more time for other patients."

From now on, patients will be able to take sick leave from their doctor's surgery by telephone under certain conditions. The regulation applies with immediate effect, as announced by the Joint Federal Committee of doctors, health insurance companies and clinics based in Berlin on Thursday.

According to the information provided, the regulation applies to patients who are known to the respective doctor's practice and do not have any severe symptoms. Another prerequisite is that video consultations are not possible. Doctors can then issue a certificate of incapacity to work for a maximum of five days.

Website of the Federal Joint Committee

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