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Statisticians: CO2 emissions in the southwest fall to record low

Significantly fewer greenhouse gases were emitted in 2023. The Environment Minister sees this as a great success - but the reasons for the decline are not all good news.

In Baden-Württemberg, fewer greenhouse gases were blown into the air in 2023 than at any time since...
In Baden-Württemberg, fewer greenhouse gases were blown into the air in 2023 than at any time since 1990.

First estimates - Statisticians: CO2 emissions in the southwest fall to record low

In the past year, the emission of climate-harmful greenhouse gases in Baden-Württemberg reached the lowest level since 1990. According to estimates from the Statistical Office, emissions decreased significantly in 2023: Compared to the previous year, the output fell to 62.7 million tonnes - a decrease of 9.3 million tonnes or approximately 13 percent. The Southwest Broadcasting reported this first.

The statisticians, however, do not attribute this significant decline to climate protection measures. Instead, they stated that the State Office in Fellbach near Stuttgart, a large part of the decline in 2023 was due to economic stagnation and high energy prices. The emission reduction was particularly noticeable in the energy sector. Due to the weak economy, less energy was demanded, resulting in less coal being burned.

According to the report, the CO2 emissions of industry also decreased significantly - from the statisticians' perspective, mainly due to production downturns caused by the economy. The statisticians also mentioned more electricity imports, fewer electricity exports, and more electricity from renewable energies as reasons for the decrease in CO2 emissions.

Environment Minister Thekla Walker (Greens) called the significant reduction in emissions a great success. "Citizens are installing solar panels on their balconies or roofs, they are renovating their heating systems, they are saving energy. Companies are switching to climate-friendly production, municipalities are promoting the energy transition, and authorities are making progress in approving renewable energy facilities," Walker said. The energy transition is working.

To achieve the climate goals of the state, emissions in Baden-Württemberg should only amount to roughly half of the 2023 emissions by 2030, according to the Statistical Office.

  1. The record low emission of greenhouse gases in Baden-Württemberg was first reported by Southwest Broadcasting.
  2. The State Office in Fellbach, near Stuttgart, contributed significantly to the decrease in greenhouse gas emissions in 2023, according to statisticians.
  3. The significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions was mainly due to economic stagnation and high energy prices, as stated by the statisticians.
  4. The emissions in the energy sector saw a notable decrease due to less energy demand, resulting in less coal being burned.
  5. The CO2 emissions of industry also decreased significantly, mainly due to production downturns caused by the economy, according to the statisticians.
  6. Minister Thekla Walker praised the significant reduction in emissions as a great success, attributing it to various environmental initiatives and the energy transition in Baden-Württemberg.

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