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State wants to save 17 million euros with hiring freeze

In order to save money, Saxony-Anhalt wants to refrain from hiring new staff for a few months. The opposition warns of serious consequences.

Michael Richter (CDU), Minister of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt.
Michael Richter (CDU), Minister of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt.

Minister of Finance - State wants to save 17 million euros with hiring freeze

Saxony-Anhalt wants to save around 17.1 million euros in expenditure by introducing a hiring freeze in the state administration from January to May. "That is why the administration is not collapsing," Finance Minister Michael Richter (CDU) told the German Press Agency. All ministries had to make their contribution to the 2024 budget.

The CDU politician does not fear any negative effects from not hiring and filling vacancies. According to Richter, the civil service is generally very attractive and this will not change if there are a few months fewer new appointments in Saxony-Anhalt.

Graduates to be taken on, teachers and the police are exempt from the recruitment freeze. The 2024 budget has a volume of more than 14 billion euros. Almost 4.5 billion euros are personnel costs. Richter has recently called for a turnaround on several occasions. In the future, staff would have to be reduced.

According to the Ministry of Finance, there are currently around 30,000 employees and 26,000 civil servants in Saxony-Anhalt. However, as some employees work part-time, the state calculates that there are 43,000 so-called full-time equivalents.

The opposition is critical of the recruitment freeze. "Instead of making targeted cuts here, the coalition is using a crowbar," said Jan Moldenhauer, financial policy spokesperson for the AfD parliamentary group. "As a result, the implementation of important measures will stagnate, unfinished work will pile up and the standstill in the country will be further cemented."

The Left Party criticized that the hiring freeze would make the state unattractive as an employer. "Who wants to and can wait five months to possibly end up in the state administration? Many potential applicants will look for jobs in other federal states," said financial policy spokesperson Kristin Heiß. "With this measure, we will continue to lose skilled workers in the state." The Left Party also suspects that some appointments have been brought forward and that the savings effect is not that great.

Green Party politician Olaf Meister said that the recruitment freeze was damaging the state. "Work is left undone, projects are not progressing, employees have to work overtime." Instead of temporary cuts, we actually expect personnel planning that is based on a review of tasks, said Meister.

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