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State wants to develop model for return to G9

For years, there had been debate about the duration of grammar school in the south-west, with pressure increasing more and more recently. Now it is clear: the state wants to return to G9.

A screen next to the podium reads "Dialogue process citizens' forum on the duration of the
A screen next to the podium reads "Dialogue process citizens' forum on the duration of the general secondary school".

Education - State wants to develop model for return to G9

Baden-Württemberg wants to develop a new model for a nine-year grammar school. This is the result of a resolution passed by the green-black government coalition on Tuesday, which was made available to the German Press Agency. The state government is therefore open to a new G9 and is starting a process to develop such a new G8/G9 model. "We are not going to make any hasty decisions or simply return to the G9 of the 1990s. We will work out a solution that meets the requirements of our time and takes up the recommendations of the citizens' forum," said Minister President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) in Stuttgart on Monday.

On Monday, a citizens' forum set up by the state government on the future of the Gymnasium recommended a return to a nine-year Gymnasium in Baden-Württemberg.

The eight-year Gymnasium is currently the standard in Baden-Württemberg. It was once introduced to make pupils more competitive internationally. G9 now only exists as a pilot project at 44 state schools and at some private schools.

A return to G9 had been discussed and argued about for a long time, and the Green-Black coalition actually agreed in the coalition agreement that they did not want to hold any structural debates. Nevertheless, under pressure from the debate, the state government first showed itself open to a return to the nine-year Gymnasium in mid-June.

In addition to the Citizens' Forum, a parents' initiative is also pushing for a return to G9. The initiators had collected more than 100,000 signatures for a popular petition and submitted it to the state parliament. Parliament is now expected to have to deal with the motion next year.

Read also:

  1. The resolution for the new G9 model was passed by the government coalition in Baden-Württemberg's southwest region, which is known for its strong influence in the German press agency based in Stuttgart.
  2. In the 1990s, the eight-year grammar school, now the standard in Baden-Württemberg, was introduced with the aim of making pupils more competitive internationally, but a nine-year grammar school, known as G9, only existed as a pilot project in certain schools.
  3. The process of developing a new G8/G9 model in Baden-Württemberg schools is gathering momentum, with both the state government and a parents' initiative supporting this move, as shown by the over 100,000 signatures collected for a popular petition.
  4. The government of Baden-Württemberg in the German southwest is open to considering the proposal to return to G9, but they plan to develop a solution that is in line with the current requirements and meets the recommendations of the citizens' forum.




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