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State Statistical Office: False census letters in circulation

The Saxony-Anhalt State Statistical Office warns of false letters with the "Census 2023" logo. According to the authority in Halle on Thursday, the households contacted were asked to report their data and were threatened with a fine. It is true that there is no "Census 2023" and the letters do...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

Authorities - State Statistical Office: False census letters in circulation

The Saxony-Anhalt State Statistical Office warns of false letters with the "Census 2023" logo. According to the authority in Halle on Thursday, the households contacted were asked to report their data and were threatened with a fine. It is true that there is no "Census 2023" and the letters do not come from the state office. The next official census is not planned until 2031. Contact details are always given in letters from the State Statistical Office and the email addresses end in, not or others.

Press release

Read also:

  1. Despite the Saxony-Anhalt State Statistical Office clarifying that there is no "Census 2023" and false letters with that logo should be disregarded, some authorities have reported suspicious activities, impersonating the state office for criminal purposes.
  2. In response to the rising concerns about the falsified census letters, the authorities in Saxony-Anhalt urge residents to verify the origin of any correspondence tied to the "Census 2023" and double-check if it comes from the legitimate State Office for Statistics and Data Processing.
  3. Misleading letters have been circulating in some regions of Saxony-Anhalt, claiming to be from the State Statistical Office, and the regional authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and be aware of these criminal attempts at manipulation, misuse of the census process, and potential breach of privacy.


