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State pays cold aid to protect homeless people in winter

The state government is paying aid organizations in North Rhine-Westphalia up to 900,000 euros this winter to protect homeless people from the cold. The money can be used to purchase and distribute sleeping bags and sleeping mats, hygiene products or non-perishable food, as the NRW Ministry of...

A homeless man holds a cup of tea in his hand.
A homeless man holds a cup of tea in his hand.

Social affairs - State pays cold aid to protect homeless people in winter

The state government is paying aid organizations in North Rhine-Westphalia up to 900,000 euros this winter to protect homeless people from the cold. The money can be used to purchase and distribute sleeping bags and sleeping mats, hygiene products or non-perishable food, as the NRW Ministry of Social Affairs announced on Saturday. It could also be used to operate heatable tents or rent accommodation containers.

According to the ministry, some of the materials will be provided exclusively for homeless girls and young women in order to meet their special need for protection. NRW has been providing financial cold aid since 2018. Last winter, this amounted to 850,000 euros. Social Affairs Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) said according to the press release: "Although there are of course people who do not accept these offers, these funds are intended to help homeless people in an uncomplicated way so that they do not freeze to death."

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