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State parliament with government statement and debt brake debate

The Saxon state parliament plans to discuss the debt brake at federal and state level on Wednesday (from 10.00 a.m.). The debate was reignited by the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court in mid-November. The court had declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in the federal budget...

Saxon State Parliament stands at a gate at the back of the parliament building.
Saxon State Parliament stands at a gate at the back of the parliament building.

Session - State parliament with government statement and debt brake debate

The Saxon state parliament plans to discuss the debt brake at federal and state level on Wednesday (from 10.00 a.m.). The debate was reignited by the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court in mid-November. The court had declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in the federal budget null and void. In the opinion of the Left Party, the debt brake must be removed from the Basic Law as a brake on investment.

At the beginning of the state parliament session, Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow (CDU) holds a government statement on research in the Free State. In addition, the funding practices of the SPD-led Ministry of Social Affairs will be debated at the request of the AfD. The Court of Audit had criticized the implementation of a funding guideline for the integration of refugees. Other topics at the meeting include monument protection, asylum law and domestic violence. In addition, the new law on fire protection, rescue services and disaster control is to be passed.

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