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State parliament wants to increase voter turnout with campaign

Around 65% of eligible voters cast their vote in the 2019 state elections. The state parliament wants to significantly increase voter turnout this year.

Birgit Pommer, President of the State Parliament of Thuringia.
Birgit Pommer, President of the State Parliament of Thuringia.

Politics - State parliament wants to increase voter turnout with campaign

Two months before the election of the new state parliament, Thuringia's Landtag is launching a campaign to encourage more people to vote. "We hope to reach people who otherwise feel less addressed," said Landtag President Birgit Pommer (Left) in Erfurt on Tuesday at the presentation of the campaign motifs. This campaign carries the title "Not Voting Can Have Consequences."

People will be encouraged to exercise their right to vote in the state election on September 1st through advertisements in newspapers, on the radio, and on social media. Their goal is to significantly increase voter turnout compared to 2019, Pommer said. "70 percent would be great." In the 2019 state election, approximately 65 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots.

The costs for the campaign were estimated by Pommer to be around 100,000 Euro. In addition to advertisements, there will also be a Landtag bus that will tour all 44 Thuringian constituencies of the state parliament to inspire people for participation in elections. The start of various actions is planned for early July. The campaign is scheduled to run at least until mid-August.

The motifs or statements are modeled on those of campaigns known to prevent smoking. For example, it says on the presented motifs: "Not Voting Makes You Dependent Very Quickly. Don't Start At All." Or: "Non-Voters Are Often Misunderstood. Or Not Understood At All."

  1. The upcoming state election in Thuringia will take place on September 1st, and the Landtag, led by President Birgit Pommer, is launching a campaign to encourage more people to vote in Erfurt.
  2. The campaign, titled "Not Voting Can Have Consequences," will use advertisements in newspapers, on the radio, and social media to inspire people to exercise their right to vote.
  3. The Landtag aims to significantly increase voter turnout compared to the 2019 state election, where approximately 65% of eligible voters participated, with an aspired 70% in this election.
  4. The campaign will also feature a Landtag bus touring all 44 Thuringian constituencies, displaying motifs similar to those used in anti-smoking campaigns, emphasizing the importance of active participation in elections.

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