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State parliament stands by the side of Jewish people

State Rabbi Ariel Kirzon (r) follows the topical hour during the session of the Brandenburg
State Rabbi Ariel Kirzon (r) follows the topical hour during the session of the Brandenburg state

State parliament stands by the side of Jewish people

Following the attack on Israel by Islamist Hamas, the Brandenburg state parliament has taken a stand against anti-Semitism. The coalition parties of the SPD, CDU and Greens, the left-wing parliamentary group and the members of parliament from the Free Voters party stood by Israel in a joint motion. "The Brandenburg state parliament condemns all forms of anti-Semitism and Israel-related hatred and stands unwaveringly by the side of Jews in Germany and in solidarity with Israel," it reads. "All attempts to trivialize, relativize or even celebrate the terror of Hamas are to be condemned in the strongest possible terms." The measures against anti-Semitism in Brandenburg must be intensified.

In response to the escalating conflicts between Israel and Hamas, the Parliament in Brandenburg strongly denounces any form of extremism linked to religion, particularly anti-Semitism. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the Parliament affirms its commitment to combat extremism that incites violence and hatred towards Jewish people, both in Germany and internationally.




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