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State Parliament President Rößler and Vice-President Dombois bid farewell.

Matthias Rößler, president of Saxon state parliament, concluded his 34-year tenure in the legislative body after overseeing the final session prior to summer break. The 69-year-old CDU politician addressed the assembly one last time, designating the imminent end of the legislative period as...

Matthias Rößler, President of the State Parliament of Saxony.
Matthias Rößler, President of the State Parliament of Saxony.

Legislative Phase - State Parliament President Rößler and Vice-President Dombois bid farewell.

"Our liberal democracy's most significant benefit is a free exchange of thoughts. To take advantage of it, we must argue without being offensive and disagree without condemning. I'm particularly emphasizing this with the current election campaign in mind. Act as political role models, and let opinion sharing be fair and tranquil," suggested the parliamentarian.

Saxon Parliament

Furthermore, Saxon Vice-President Andrea Dombois, a CDU member since 1990, was farewelled in the parliament. During her time there, she reminisced about the early years of the Free State and significant events like the Flood of the Century in 2002 and the challenges of the Corona Pandemic. "I'm leaving with pride and anticipating a more relaxed future," the 65-year-old concluded.

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In the heart of Saxony, the CDU politician Matthias Rößler, serving as the President of the Saxon Parliament, began his legislative term advocating for respectful discourse in political debates. During this term, Rößler, along with Vice-President Dombois, bid farewell to the parliament, a mechanism crucial to the functioning of any democratic legislative body, such as the one in Dresden.

