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State parliament plans to impose fines for rude politicians

So far, anyone who uses abusive language during debates in the state parliament has only been given a warning. But soon it's going to get really expensive: 1000 euros for one libel, 2000 euros for a repeat offense. State parliament president André Kuper is certain: there is no other way.

The North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates in plenary session.
The North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates in plenary session.

Parties - State parliament plans to impose fines for rude politicians

The state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia is to receive an administrative fine for rowdy politicians. A state parliament spokesperson confirmed that President André Kuper (CDU) had made a corresponding proposal to the parliamentary groups. According to dpa, the CDU, SPD, Greens and FDP have agreed on a corresponding amendment to the state parliament 's rules of procedure. The first offense would result in a fine of 1000 euros, a repeat offense 2000 euros. The "WAZ" had previously reported.

"There are MPs who deliberately provoke, bring hatred and agitation into the debates and damage the image of the state parliament. For me, the degradation of our parliament is no longer acceptable. Anyone who mocks democracy and ridicules MPs must expect consequences," said Landtag President Kuper when asked. He emphasized: "The reprimands and calls to order issued so far are seen by some as trophies. That's why the state parliament needs a sanction that hits the wallet and is really noticeable."

The fine would be deducted directly from MPs' salaries so that the politicians would receive less. According to the state parliament, the Presidium has already issued 47 reprimands and reprimands in the current legislative period.

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