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State parliament passes new store opening law: more Sundays

Open stores on Sundays are considered a locational advantage. Especially for tourist destinations. Even more municipalities in MV are to benefit from the exemptions in future.

Christian Pegel follows the debate on the double budget for 2024 and 2025 in the state
Christian Pegel follows the debate on the double budget for 2024 and 2025 in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Location advantage - State parliament passes new store opening law: more Sundays

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, more municipalities are to benefit from the possibility of opening stores on Sundays and public holidays in future. The time periods are also to be extended. The state parliament passed a new version of the Shop Opening Act by a large majority on Thursday. This will allow the responsible Ministry of Economic Affairs to issue special permits to other towns and municipalities by statutory order in future. The prerequisite is that the location is of particular importance to tourism. There will no longer be a "rigid list" of municipalities as before, said Interior Minister Christian Pegel, standing in for Minister of Economic Affairs Reinhard Meyer (both SPD), who was ill.

The changes did not go far enough for the FDP. Like the Greens, it voted against the law. The fundamental ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays restricted businesses. "We want more freedom and flexibility," said FDP MP Sandy van Baal, explaining the reasons for the rejection. The Greens complained that the ministry alone decides on the specific exceptions and that the state parliament is left out of the loop.

The new version of the law is a prerequisite for the planned amendment to the so-called bathing regulation, which expires in mid-April. According to this, stores in 62 towns in MV, districts and outstanding leisure facilities are exempt from opening on Sundays from April to October. In other cities, a maximum of four Sundays open for business are permitted per year.

Trade representatives had long been calling for an extension of Sunday opening in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, also with reference to more liberal regulations in neighboring regions. Churches and trade unions, on the other hand, insist on special opening hours that are as limited as possible.

In the opinion of the state government, the new regulation represents an acceptable compromise. It is also in the interests of fair competition in the tourism industry. According to earlier statements by Meyer, the extended legal situation in neighboring Schleswig-Holstein has proven itself. The bathing ordinance there applies for the periods from December 17 to January 8 and from March 15 to October 31. During these periods, stores selling daily necessities are also allowed to open on Sundays and public holidays in selected locations. This should also apply in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in future.

Timetable for the state parliament session with links to laws and motions

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