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State parliament once again rejects Women's Day holiday

The Left Party faction has once again failed in the state parliament with a proposal to declare International Women's Day on March 8 a public holiday in Brandenburg. In the debate on Wednesday, SPD MP Ludwig Scheetz expressed his sympathy for the idea in principle, partly because March 8 is...

The state parliament (l.) and behind it the Nikolaikirche in Potsdam.
The state parliament (l.) and behind it the Nikolaikirche in Potsdam.

Society - State parliament once again rejects Women's Day holiday

The Left Party faction has once again failed in the state parliament with a proposal to declare International Women's Day on March 8 a public holiday in Brandenburg. In the debate on Wednesday, SPD MP Ludwig Scheetz expressed his sympathy for the idea in principle, partly because March 8 is already a public holiday in the neighboring states of Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The SPD state party conference in November had also spoken out in favor of Women's Day as a public holiday, Scheetz admitted.

But because there is no agreement on this in the coalition agreement with the CDU and the Greens, it can only be addressed in the next legislative period after the state elections in the fall of 2024, according to Scheetz.

Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) said that an additional public holiday would be purely symbolic politics. Such a public holiday would do nothing to change the discrimination against women in management positions or violence against women. The Left Party's motion was rejected by a majority of the governing parliamentary groups and the AfD parliamentary group.

An initial proposal by the Left Party parliamentary group for a public holiday on March 8 had already been rejected last year in the state parliament by the majority of the red-black-green government factions and the AfD. Women's Day has been a public holiday in Berlin since 2019 and in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since this year.

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