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State parliament majority in favor of compensation for Haasenburg victims

The governing factions of the SPD, CDU and Greens as well as the opposition Left Party in the Brandenburg state parliament want to achieve a compensation fund for those affected by the former home operator Haasenburg. The background to this is a ruling by the Cottbus Administrative Court, which...

Social affairs - State parliament majority in favor of compensation for Haasenburg victims

The governing factions of the SPD, CDU and Greens as well as the opposition Left Party in the Brandenburg state parliament want to achieve a compensation fund for those affected by the former home operator Haasenburg. The background to this is a ruling by the Cottbus Administrative Court, which ruled in November that the withdrawal of Haasenburg GmbH's operating license in 2013 was unlawful. "This ruling is a slap in the face for those affected, who have experienced a great deal of suffering," criticized Green Party parliamentary group leader Petra Budke on Tuesday.

The Brandenburg Youth Ministry had ordered the withdrawal of the operating license in December 2013. Prior to this, there had been repeated allegations that residents in the homes had been harassed and humiliated by educators. There was also talk of serious abuse. There were suicide attempts by residents. At the end of 2013, the three Haasenburg homes in Unterspreewald, Müncheberg and Schwielochsee, where young people from all over Germany were housed, were closed. The incidents made headlines across the country.

Originally, the Left Party parliamentary group had put a motion on the agenda for the state parliament's plenary session on Friday to set up a state compensation fund. The governing factions now want to use their majority in a resolution to ensure that such a fund is set up for former care home residents who have suffered, with the participation of all federal states and the federal government.

In their motions, the governing factions and the Left Party also call on the state government to consider legal remedies against the ruling of the administrative court.

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