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State parliament discusses verdict on Brandenburg aid package

The regulations on the Brandenburg aid package of 2022 are null and void in the opinion of the Constitutional Court. The state parliament will therefore convene once again for a special session.

Members of Parliament and visitors in the gallery follow the third day of the last plenary week...
Members of Parliament and visitors in the gallery follow the third day of the last plenary week before the state elections in September 2024.

Special meeting - State parliament discusses verdict on Brandenburg aid package

In a special session, the Brandenburg State Parliament discusses the consequences of the Constitutional Court's judgment on the billion-dollar aid package during the energy crisis. Since Friday, Finance Minister Katrin Lange (SPD) has been exploring possible consequences for the supplementary budget 2024.

The Court had declared the regulations of 2022 for the aid package to alleviate the energy crisis after the Ukraine War invalid on Friday. The AfD State Parliamentary Faction's lawsuit in this regard was granted. However, the payments that have been approved are not in danger, the Court clarified.

The Finance Minister imposed a ban on further expenditures following the judgment. The Brandenburg Package had already been adjusted in response to the Federal Constitutional Court's budget judgment from the previous year. "The judgment of the Constitutional Court of Brandenburg did not come as a surprise to us," said Rechnungshofpräsident Christoph Weiser to the German Press Agency. The deputies also speak about the results of the Minister Presidents' Conference and the meeting of the Interior Ministers.

Constitutional Court Judgment Brandenburg on Aid Package

  1. The Household budget in Brandenburg might be affected by the special meeting in the Parliament, discussing the consequences of the Constitutional Court's judgment on the aid package during the energy crisis.
  2. Despite the AfD State Parliamentary Faction's successful lawsuit against the regulations of 2022 for the aid package, the payments that have been approved are not in danger, as clarified by the Constitutional Court.
  3. Katrin Lange, the Finance Minister and a SPD member, has been exploring possible consequences for the supplementary budget 2024, following the Constitutional Court's judgment on the energy crisis aid package.
  4. The Government and Parliament in Potsdam will need to consider an aid package adjustment in light of the Constitutional Court's judgment, given the ban on further expenditures imposed by the Finance Minister.
  5. The SPD, being part of the coalition Government, will play a significant role in crafting a new aid package, considering the Constitutional Court's judgment and the ongoing energy crisis.
  6. The upcoming meetings in Potsdam, including the Minister Presidents' Conference and the meeting of the Interior Ministers, are expected to address the impact of the Constitutional Court's judgment on the energy crisis aid package and the potential need for a new aid package.

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