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State parliament discusses Pisa study and violence in stadiums

In Lower Saxony's state parliament today (from 9.00 a.m.), Germany's poor Pisa results will be discussed alongside the continuation of budget deliberations. In a motion, the CDU is calling for the "Pisa disaster" to be taken seriously and for children to be protected from "red-green educational...

The North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates in plenary session.
The North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates in plenary session.

Education - State parliament discusses Pisa study and violence in stadiums

In Lower Saxony's state parliament today (from 9.00 a.m.), Germany's poor Pisa results will be discussed alongside the continuation of budget deliberations. In a motion, the CDU is calling for the "Pisa disaster" to be taken seriously and for children to be protected from "red-green educational experiments". German pupils performed worse than ever before in reading, mathematics and science in the international performance study in 2022. Results at state level are not available.

At the request of the SPD parliamentary group, there will also be a debate on safety at soccer matches. The Social Democrats want to make the clubs responsible for preventing violence in stadiums.

Among other things, the budget discussions will focus on the areas of energy, the economy, transport and the environment. The planned budget of 42.3 billion euros will be voted on on Thursday.

Live agenda of the state parliament

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