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State parliament discusses CDU draft on return centers

The Thuringian Christian Democrats want to house refugees with little prospect of staying in Thuringia in repatriation centers. The Thuringian state parliament will discuss a bill to this effect on Thursday (start of session: 09:00). According to the CDU, the project is modeled on Bavaria with...

Members of parliament sitting in the plenary chamber.
Members of parliament sitting in the plenary chamber.

Refugees - State parliament discusses CDU draft on return centers

The Thuringian Christian Democrats want to house refugees with little prospect of staying in Thuringia in repatriation centers. The Thuringian state parliament will discuss a bill to this effect on Thursday (start of session: 09:00). According to the CDU, the project is modeled on Bavaria with its anchor centers. According to the CDU, refugees should stay in these facilities for up to two years - and not be distributed to the municipalities in the first place. The proposal has been criticized by the Left, SPD and Greens.

Link to the invitation

Read also:

  1. Despite criticisms from the Left, SPD, and Greens, the Thuringian Christian Democrats insist on their plan to establish repatriation centers for refugees with minimal chances of staying in Thuringia, following the model of Bavaria's anchor centers.
  2. The proposed return centers aim to house refugees for up to two years, preventing their initial distribution to municipalities in Thuringia, as suggested by the CDU.
  3. The CDU's proposal to address migration issues by keeping refugees in repatriation centers for an extended period has garnered attention in the Thuringian state parliament and is set for discussion on Thursday at 09:00.
  4. The establishment of return centers in Erfurt, as suggested by the Thuringian Christian Democrats, may mark a shift in the country's approach to dealing with refugees, following in the footsteps of Bavaria's successful anchor center model.


