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State parliament against study commission for better Baltic Sea protection

The state parliament will not set up a commission of inquiry to better protect the Baltic Sea. The FDP failed with a corresponding demand on Wednesday. A commission would have been a possibility at the very beginning of the consultation process, said CDU environmental politician Cornelia...

Waves crash onto the Baltic Sea beach.
Waves crash onto the Baltic Sea beach.

Nature conservation - State parliament against study commission for better Baltic Sea protection

The state parliament will not set up a commission of inquiry to better protect the Baltic Sea. The FDP failed with a corresponding demand on Wednesday. A commission would have been a possibility at the very beginning of the consultation process, said CDU environmental politician Cornelia Schmachtenberg. "But we are already further along in the process."

FDP environmental politician Oliver Kumbartzky, on the other hand, emphasized in the debate that "a commission is exactly the right way forward". 2023 was a lost year for Baltic Sea protection due to the plans of Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens). "It's no longer about the national park, because Minister Goldschmidt's national park dreams have been dashed." The CDU had cleared the issue.

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