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State parliament adopts supplementary budget for 2023

The state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt passed the supplementary budget for 2023 on Thursday, creating a new basis for the coronavirus special fund. The black-red-yellow coalition was responding to a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court. As a result, the state parliament declared an...

Members of parliament sit in the plenary chamber during the state parliament session.
Members of parliament sit in the plenary chamber during the state parliament session.

National policy - State parliament adopts supplementary budget for 2023

The state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt passed the supplementary budget for 2023 on Thursday, creating a new basis for the coronavirus special fund. The black-red-yellow coalition was responding to a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court. As a result, the state parliament declared an "extraordinary emergency situation" for 2023 this week.

Originally, the coronavirus special fund was designed in 2021 to receive a one-off allocation of almost two billion euros. Now the funds for the measures are to be raised in several slices each year. This year, this concerns 150 million euros, which are to be financed via loans using the debt brake exception for emergencies.

The special fund is intended to cushion the consequences of the pandemic over several years. The package of 1.997 billion euros comprises around 60 measures. Among other things, new technology is to be purchased for schools and universities. The state government also wants to invest in hospitals, boost digitalization and support sports clubs.

The state government is also applying for recognition of the emergency situation for 2024. So far, only 580 million euros of the originally planned two billion euros have been implemented or started. For the coming year, the government anticipates a requirement of 640 million euros. What will happen from 2025 onwards remains to be seen.

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