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State parliament adopts budget with more than 42 billion euros

Lower Saxony is tackling the coming year with expenditure of around 42.4 billion euros. The state parliament passed the budget for 2024 on Thursday with the votes of the governing SPD and Green parties. The budget is therefore around 0.7 percent higher than this year. The two opposition...

The Leineschloss, seat of the Lower Saxony state parliament, on Hannah-Arendt-Platz.
The Leineschloss, seat of the Lower Saxony state parliament, on Hannah-Arendt-Platz.

Budget - State parliament adopts budget with more than 42 billion euros

Lower Saxony is tackling the coming year with expenditure of around 42.4 billion euros. The state parliament passed the budget for 2024 on Thursday with the votes of the governing SPD and Green parties. The budget is therefore around 0.7 percent higher than this year. The two opposition factions AfD and CDU voted against.

The core plans of the red-green coalition include higher salaries for teachers at primary, secondary and intermediate schools and the establishment of a state housing association for more affordable housing.

Minister President Stephan Weil(SPD) had described the planned budget as a "realistic and reliable set of figures". The opposition, on the other hand, accuses the red-green party of lacking the will to shape the budget.

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