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State Parents' Council: Woidke should make education a top priority

There is rumbling in the schools. The Pisa study has produced catastrophic results in reading and arithmetic, and there are also complaints about lessons being canceled and overcrowded classes. The state parents' council in Brandenburg now sees the Minister President as having a duty.

Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of the state of Barndenburg, speaks to
Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of the state of Barndenburg, speaks to media representatives at Holzdorf airbase.

Schools - State Parents' Council: Woidke should make education a top priority

In view of the problems at schools, the State Parents' Council has called on Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) to make education a top priority. In an open letter to the head of government, the committee refers to the poor performance in the Pisa study, but also to the difficult situation in the classroom.

In the letter to Woidke, which was published late on Tuesday evening, the state parents' council wrote that there were reports from school parents describing massive absences from lessons, lessons taught by teachers from other subjects for long periods of time, overcrowded classrooms and increasing violence in schools. "There can be no 'business as usual' and no resting on the laurels of the measures taken so far - which we do not believe are sufficient."

From the point of view of the state parents' council, there should be a new teacher model calculation to realistically determine the need for teachers. The parents' council also believes that changes to teacher training courses, more positions for school psychologists and state-wide equipment of schools with digital devices are necessary.

When asked, the state chancellery said that the state had responded to the issues that had already been identified, for example by offering attractive opportunities to become a civil servant, including for lateral entrants. In addition, since the start of the school year, there has been the "Leseband" project, the compensation for overtime agreed with the trade unions, the promotion of digital equipment and the doubling of the number of positions in school psychological counseling.

The Ministry of Education has also taken numerous measures that "only work in the long term", such as recruiting teachers. The state parents' council can participate in proposals as a member of the state school advisory board, according to the state chancellery.

There is a shortage of teachers in Brandenburg. Education Minister Steffen Freiberg(SPD) wants to ensure that teachers retire later. It is also possible to pay extra allowances from 2024 in order to avoid losing civil servants. In addition to the University of Potsdam, a second training location for student teachers has been created in Senftenberg.

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the Pisa study in 2022. Both in reading and in mathematics and science, these were the lowest scores ever measured for Germany in the Pisa study.

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